Course 3 months

Graphic Design Pro

Creating Stunning Visuals with Confidence

  • Requires a laptop/PC only
  • Beginner Friendly

Get a consultation on the course

30% theory and 70% practice
Practical tasks based on real cases
Teachers from top companies in the industry
Help in finding a Freelance Project
5 results you will get:
5 results you will get
  • Mastering Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and AI design tools.
  • Expert in branding, strategy, naming, and advertising promotional materials.
  • Gain practical expertise in various designs for your portfolio
  • Learn to effectively interact with clients, set prices, and maintain design decisions
  • Create an amazing profile on freelance platforms and get clients
Why are Graphic Design skills important?
Why are Graphic Design skills important?
  • High salaries (up to 1500 — 3000 USD per month)
  • High and rising demand on the market
  • Possibility of remote work
  • High potential for further career growth
  • Minimum of previous experience required
  • With graphic design skills, it can attract clients from local and international markets.
  • Graphic designers are often paid higher than non-technical designers.
  • Adopt the freedom of freelance work, offering flexibility and the ability to work as you see fit.
  • Graphic designers are needed in various sectors, from the IT industry to collaboration with various brands and agencies.

In this course you will

Mastering all skills

and the apps you need to become a Graphic Design Pro

Work 1:1 with your mentor

who will answer all your questions and guide you in the learning process

Building an impressive portfolio

from real projects you complete during the course

Course structure

It’s your
Module 1: Design Basics
- Understand the basic principles and concepts underlying all design work.
- Topics include composition, modular grids, typography, color theory, and content management.
- Explore a variety of software and design tools used in the industry.
Module 2: Adobe Photoshop Basics
- Explore Photoshop interfaces, customizations, and workspaces.
- Mastering color correction, including brightness, contrast, and saturation adjustments.
- Learn image selection and masking techniques.
- Browse creative effects using filters, blending options, and Layer styles.
- Understand grids, guides, and layout principles for design.
- Explore mixing and compositing modes.
Module 3: Mastering Adobe Illustrator
- Explore basic vector shapes and how to manipulate them in Illustrator.
- Learn how to create and use Art Brushes and Pattern Brushes for artistic design.
- Understand the basics of text layout and typography in Illustrator.
- Explore creative effects you can apply to your vector graphics in Illustrator.
Module 4: Collaborative Design with Figma
- Browse the most popular online design editors for website and app design.
- Apply Figma to create and edit designs for various digital platforms.
- Work on collaborative design projects using Figma features.
Module 5: Brand Identity Development
- Develop a comprehensive brand communication strategy.
- Mastered the art of naming and slogan making.
- Browse the stages in creating a brand identity, logo design, and brand book.
- Practical work on the development of elements of brand identity.
Module 6: Marketing Banners and Promotional Graphics
- Learn the art of creating attractive marketing banners for different platforms.
- Understand the psychology of marketing design.
- Practical work on the design of effective marketing materials.
Bonus Module 7: Artificial Intelligence Tools for Design (AI)
- Discover more than 30 artificial intelligence tools for your design tasks, including Midjourney, PixelUp, ChatGPT, and Leonardo AI.
- Create logos, animations and websites with the help of AI.
Module 8: Portfolio Building and Freelance
- Work on real-world design projects, apply new skills.
- Receive feedback, refine projects, and build a professional design portfolio.
Module 9: Freelance
- Get support to find your first freelance project.
- Learn how to give a brief to clients.
It’s your

Our Mentors

Siti Rahayu
A graphic designer with a 10-year freelance career, he has completed over 500+ successful projects working with leading companies. With five years of guidance, Siti guides talented designers to success.
Yuni Suryani
HR General Manager at PT. Transcosmos Indonesia
Expert in hiring, training and development, employee relations and enforcement of corporate policies and practices. Know how to create a successful resume and pass your dream interview.
Get a consultation on the course
Our consultants will answer all your questions
Our Freelance Job Center
The career manager will guide you through the work process to your job offer
  • We will help you create a striking design portfolio that impresses potential clients.
  • We will create a professional profile on the freelance platform, improving your visibility.
  • We will teach you proven strategies for finding freelance projects and making convincing bids to win clients.
  • Our focus is to ensure you succeed in communicating with clients, which results in satisfied clients who provide references and sustainable business.
Start your career in Graphic Design now
Early bird offers:
Discount - 60%
3 Months I only need a laptop/PC
Offer ends in:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the program 100% online?
Yes, the program is fully online, so you can learn anytime and anywhere. At the same time, the program is filled with lots of interaction with teachers and other students, so you won't feel lonely.
Can I study just the one module I'm most interested in?
This course is a complete system, specially designed to become a highly professional data analyst. If studying only a few parts of the course, it will not give the desired effect, so it can not.
How many hours per week do I need to work on this course?
Typically, the learning process and tasks take 4 to 10 hours a week.