4-month course

UX/UI Designer


  • Career Support
  • Requires a laptop/PC only

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Meet your course mentor

Desainer UX/UI adalah spesialis yang membuat interface/antarmuka untuk aplikasi dan situs web. Dengan menggunakan Toolkit Figma dan data riset, mereka menentukan bagaimana cara membangun interface/antarmuka dan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna. Bergabunglah dengan kursus ini untuk mendapatkan Skills baru dan mendapatkan pekerjaan bergaji tinggi  di bidang IT.

25000 perusahaan
saat ini sedang mencari Desainer UX/UI
gaji bulanan (Indonesia/Glassdoor*)
5 Results you will get
  • Mastering Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and AI design tools.
  • Expert in branding, strategy, naming, and advertising promotional materials.
  • Gain practical expertise in various designs for your portfolio
  • Learn to effectively interact with clients, set prices, and maintain design decisions
  • Create an amazing profile on freelance platforms and get clients

Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan:

Mastering all skills

And the Apps You Need to Become a Graphic Design Pro

Work 1:1 with your mentor

That will answer all your questions and guide you in the learning process

Getting career training

Build your CV and LinkedIn to appeal to employers and ensure you stand out at interviews

Building an impressive portfolio

From the real projects you complete during the course

Getting a job as a Graphic Designer

Get your money back if within 6 months of graduating from the program you don't find a job

Memperoleh pengetahuan komprehensif...

tentang bagaimana UX/UI bekerja pada setiap tahap dan setelah peluncuran proyek.

Graphic Design:
a profession
value that continues to grow

for Graphic Designers is always on LinkedIn Indonesia every month
Learn more
Average monthly salary of a Graphic Designer*UX/UI Designer*
*Glassdoor Indonesia

How you will learn

Learn Topics
This course is organized on the GROWIA learning management system consisting of specific and easy-to-understand video lessons that you can learn at any time.
Join live sessions
Our mentors will support you in your education at GROWIA. Come to the Live session to be part of a friendly community and get feedback/feedback from mentors.
Create Portfolio
You will perform many practical tasks to turn your knowledge into skills. At the end of the course, you will have a portfolio with completed projects to show to your prospective company in the future.
Build a career or become a freelancer
Meet our career consultants to craft a great resume, prepare for interviews, and apply for first positions.

Course structure

It’s your
1/ Graphic Design Foundations
  • Introduction to Graphic Design (scope, profession, skills, possibilities).
  • Design Thinking & Visual Thinking
  • Basics of composition. (layout design)
  • The role of color in the design. (psychology of color in design)
  • Work with fonts. (serif & sans serif)
  • Technical tasks and work with briefs. (social media feed)
  • Iterasi dan Perbaikan
  • Implementasi Strategi Desain UX

2/ Riset Pengguna
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
  • Basic Image Editing
  • Working with Layers
3/ Peta Perjalanan Pengguna User Journey Map)
  • Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
  • Basic Drawing Vector
  • Working with Colors and Gradients
  • Working with Text
  • Vector Drawing Techniques (Advance)
4/ Introduction to Figma Pro
  • Introduction to Figma
  • Getting Started with the Figma Tool
  • Basics of Prototyping
  • The Real World Project
  • Penyesuaian dan Iterasi Berkelanjutan
5/ Brand Identity Development
  • Pengantar Cerita Pengguna
  • Proses Pembuatan Cerita Pengguna
  • Segmentasi Pengguna dalam Cerita Pengguna
  • Penerapan Cerita Pengguna dalam Desain UI/UX
  • Evaluasi dan Umpan Balik
  • Penyesuaian dan Iterasi Berkelanjutan
6/ Marketing and Promotion Graphics
  • Antarmuka  Pengguna (User Interface)
  • Membuat Desain Dasar dengan Figma
  • Kolaborasi dalam Figma
  • Ekspor Desain dan delivery
  • Tips dan Praktik Terbaik dalam Figma
7/ Artificial Intelligence for Design
  • Pengantar Wireframe
  • Pembuatan Wireframe
  • Prototyping
  • Pengujian Wireframe dan Prototipe
  • Presentasi dan Kolaborasi
8/ Portfolio Development and Freelance
  • Pengantar
  • Persiapan Pengujian Usabilitas
  • Implementasi Pengujian Usabilitas
  • Analisis Hasil Pengujian Usabilitas
  • Perbaikan Desain dan Iterasi
  • Tahap Pengembangan Lanjutan
9/ Bekerja dengan Tim dan Pihak Terkait
  • Pentingnya Kolaborasi dalam Desain UI/UX
  • Komunikasi Efektif dalam Tim
  • Mengelola Umpan Balik dan Kritik
  • Menangani Konflik dan Perbedaan Pendapat
  • Presentasi dan Pencapaian
Ini adalah
masa depan

Our Mentors

Prabu Rosihan
Senior Graphic Designer in one of the ecommerce
10 years experience in graphic design, working for mymagz Yogyakarta, Plaza Ambarrukmo, RCTI, Alibaba Group, Bukalapak
- UI/UX Designer di PT Astra International
- HeadquartersGraphic Designer di Roman Ceramic
Yuni Suryani
HR General Manager at PT. Transcosmos Indonesia
- Ahli dalam perekrutan, pelatihan dan pengembangan, hubungan karyawan
- Tahu cara membuat resume yang sukses dan lulus wawancara impian Anda

Your resume after the course

Graphic Designer
Monthly Salary:
  • Melakukan riset pengguna, mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data, membuat persona pengguna dan alur pengguna
  • Mengembangkan User Journey Map, User Scenarios, and Stories
  • Memanfaatkan toolkit Figma untuk mengubah hasil kerja Anda menjadi Prototype
  • Menyiapkan dan melakukan Uji Usabilitas
  • Bekerja sama secara efektif dengan tim produk dan pengembang
    Sekilas pada proyek-proyek yang akan dikerjakan
    • Melakukan riset untuk memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi pengguna
    • Membuat wireframe dan prototipe untuk memvisualisasikan konsep dan interaksi desain
    • Mendesain antarmuka/interface pengguna (UI) untuk situs web, aplikasi seluler, dan produk digital
    • Mengorganisir dan struktur konten untuk mengoptimalkan navigasi dan alur pengguna
    • Mendefinisikan bagaimana pengguna berinteraksi dengan antarmuka/interface digital, termasuk desain tombol, menu, formulir, dll
    • Melakukan uji usabilitas untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik dari pengguna dan pemangku kepentingan

      Kami memiliki Jaminan Pekerjaan

      yang artinya:
      Ini adalah investasi bebas risiko untuk masa depan Anda
      Kami akan membimbing Anda melalui semua persyaratan di pasar kerja dan membantu Anda mendapatkan pekerjaan
      Anda akan mengembalikan investasi Anda dalam bulan pertama bekerja
      Kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda jika Anda tidak menemukan pekerjaan dalam 6 bulan setelah lulus (*SKB)
      Start your career in UX/UI right now!
      Early bird offers:
      IDR 750,000
      6 months | 12 payments | Job guarantee
      Offer ends in:

      Kata Mereka Tentang Kami

      We have
      based on  1900+ reviews on
      Google and 1000+ on Facebook
      Nelson Chandra
      While taking a data analyst course at Growia, I gained a lot of insights about data analysis techniques in Python, Excel, and SQL, as well as being applied to the business sector. Because the course runs online, I can study anytime, and the time is more flexible. The mentors were also very helpful when I had difficulty learning data analysis. Thank you, mentors, from Growia, for their guidance 🙏
      Khairul Abdi
      It's a very detailed course and to-do points for becoming a data analyst, as well as direct teaching by Growia's mentors, who are experts in the field of data scientists. Thank you, Growia. I hope I can succeed in becoming a professional data analyst.
      It's a pleasure to study with Growia in the Data Analyst course. The learning method is flexible with time but with clear completion targets per module so that I can study the material and do assignments at a time that I can adjust to my other activities. The Growia team is also responsive and supports us in completing the teaching modules. Thanks!